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Web Sockets

In order to create your Web Sockets, add a sockets folder to your less folder.

mkdir -p less/sockets

Less allows you to create several Web Sockets in the same project. In order to create a new socket, add it to the sockets folder.

For example, to create a demo socket add a folder named demo to less/sockets:

mkdir less/sockets/demo

Handle Client Connections

When a client connects or disconnects from your socket, the respective connect or disconnect function will be called, providing the client's connection_id.

In order to handle the connect & disconnect events, add your connect and disconnect handlers to your socket.

Client Connected

mkdir less/sockets/demo/connect
touch less/sockets/demo/connect/index.js
exports.process = async ({ connection_id }) => {
console.log('Client connected: ' + connection_id);
// Save the client's connection_id so you can send messages to them later.

Deploy and test your Web Socket connect handler

npx deploy my-less-project
Connect to your socket

Here's an example of connecting using wscat:

wscat -c wss://[PROJECT-NAME]-[SOCKET-NAME]
View connection logs
npx log --project my-less-project --path sockets/demo/connect
Less Logs Documentation

Read the Less logs documentation to learn more.

Don't forget to save your connection_id.

Save your connection_id so you can use it later.

Here's an example of how you can save your connection_id using Less's built in Key-Value Store:

// Import the Key-Value Store from Less.
const { kvs } = require('');

exports.process = async ({ connection_id }) => {
console.log('Client connected: ' + connection_id);

// Save your socket connection_id
await kvs.set('DEMO_SOCKET_CONNECTION_ID', connection_id);

Client Disconnected

mkdir less/sockets/demo/disconnect
touch less/sockets/demo/disconnect/index.js
exports.process = async ({ connection_id }) => {
console.log('Client disconnected: ' + connection_id);
// Delete the connection_id from your database.

Send Messages

We can use the connection_id obtained in the socket connect handler in order to send messages to connected clients.

Import sockets from to send messages to your socket's clients.

const { sockets } = require('');

This allows you to send messages to an array of client connection IDs for the designated socket.

Here's an example of publishing a message to clients connected to a demo socket:

const { sockets } = require('');

await sockets.demo.publish(
[connection_id_1, connection_id_2]

Let's create a POST /hello route that will send messages to a connected client. We will retrieve the client connection_id that we saved in the socket connect handler from the Key-Value Store.

touch less/apis/demo/hello/post.js
const { sockets, kvs } = require('');

exports.process = async (request, response) => {
// Get the connection_id from kvs.

// Publish a message to the specified connections to the `demo` socket.
await sockets.demo.publish(
'Hello from POST /hello',

response.statusCode = 204;
return response;
Less REST API Documentation

Read the Less REST API documentation to learn more.

You can now deploy and call your POST /hello route and confirm that your client is receiving the message:

  1. Deploy your changes.
npx deploy my-less-project
  1. Connect to your socket.
wscat -c wss://[PROJECT-NAME]-[SOCKET-NAME]
  1. In a separate terminal window POST to /routes.
curl -X POST [BASE_URL]/hello
  1. Go back to your previous terminal window and confirm the message was received.

Create Channels

Channels allow clients to send messages to your socket. In order to create a channel for your socket, simply create a channel processor in your socket's folder.

Create a my_channel channel in your demo socket:

mkdir less/sockets/demo/my_channel
touch less/sockets/demo/my_channel/index.js
exports.process = async ({ data, connection_id }) => {
console.log(`Received message from: ${connection_id}`);
console.log(`Message: ${data}`);

You can now deploy your changes:

npx deploy my-less-project

The client can send messages to the server by sending a JSON payload with the channel name and the data to be sent.

Here's an example of sending messages from a client to the server using wscat:

wscat -c wss://[PROJECT-NAME]-[SOCKET-NAME]
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> { "channel": "my_channel", "data": "Hello from a socket client." }

Check your socket channel logs:

npx log --project my-less-project --path sockets/demo/my_channel
Less Logs Documentation

Read the Less logs documentation to learn more.

Send a message back to the client to test:

const { sockets } = require('');

exports.process = async ({ data, connection_id }) => {
console.log(`Received message from: ${connection_id}`);
console.log(`Message: ${data}`);

// Publish a message to the specified connections to the `demo` socket.
const message = `You said: "${JSON.stringify(data)}"`;
await sockets.demo.publish(message, [connection_id]);

Deploy and test again:

npx deploy my-less-project
wscat -c wss://[PROJECT-NAME]-[SOCKET-NAME]
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> { "channel": "my_channel", "data": "Hello from a socket client." }
< "You said: \"Hello from a socket client.\""